
I will be starting a LOUIS story today


ok I really don't think you can curse on here and it isn't nessaceray because I don't wanna come on here and see all of this curse words so I take offense to this and I really liked wattpad my mom is thinking if she wants me back on here 


this message may be offensive
ok yall I get that ur mad at haylor. But in reality HArry was going to get a girlfriend and from most of the tweets I'd be seeing its JEALOUSLY! But that is no reason to send hate to HArry or Taylor. PErsonally I think they are adorable together but in two months if they are still together then its real but if they break up in around 1-2 months then its Publicity. People are complaing about HArry doesnt go online anymore to follow fans etc. But why should he? Yall are being rude shit to him! Alright mini rant done for. But if taylor does write a song about harry if they break up then I will burn off her precious little locks ok? Goodbye PS TAYLOR GET YOUR CURLY HAIR BACK AND COUNTRY!! but i still love u taylor ;)