
I've been thinking and living my life a lot and I'm slowly loosing interest in demon slayer. My new passion is now Hazbin Hotel and I don't feel like writing any demon slayer things any more. I'll probably discontinue the other books but the one-shots book will still be out. 
          	I'll start writing again soon but it probably won't be demon slayer anymore. Have a good night/day from your old crack head 


@1_Author-Kun_1 then can you atleast make a new story of muzan that he goes to the swap au and continue the next chapter of your other stories


@1_Author-Kun_1 im sad but I don't mind since I also read alot of hazbin hotel as well as demon slayer


Can you do muzan going to the swap au please cause their none


Are you almost finished muzan going to the swap au its been like forever:(


@s-mlla I'm still working on it I'm very sorry it's taking long but I'm getting distracted with my exams I'll try to update as soon as my exam is over I already have many unfinished chapter drafts


I've been thinking and living my life a lot and I'm slowly loosing interest in demon slayer. My new passion is now Hazbin Hotel and I don't feel like writing any demon slayer things any more. I'll probably discontinue the other books but the one-shots book will still be out. 
          I'll start writing again soon but it probably won't be demon slayer anymore. Have a good night/day from your old crack head 


@1_Author-Kun_1 then can you atleast make a new story of muzan that he goes to the swap au and continue the next chapter of your other stories


@1_Author-Kun_1 im sad but I don't mind since I also read alot of hazbin hotel as well as demon slayer


I honestly feel like quitting writing use to be fun for me but now since my school started and I socialized more I feel like it's not my thing anymore but I still do enjoy writing fun stories for y'all I'm just feeling lazy and stressed I think I'm just gonna update what story y'all want updated today
          So what story do you guys want me to update today or maybe tommorow? 


@1_Author-Kun_1 take some rest and until your ready. And i want muzan go to swap au and every one obsesssed with him(well they did'nt know muzan yet so its a au and the master from demon slayer corp and demon you can name as you want)


@1_Author-Kun_1 If writing isn't as fun as it use to be, take a break for a while until you have ideas that can make it feel fun!


Idk about yall but rn it's new year for me right now just a few minutes ago Happy new year
          (If it's not new year for some of y'all yet then early happy new year greeting from me) 


@1_Author-Kun_1 happy new year to you too ( ・∇・)


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"Kibutsuji my boy!" And "brother" is basically the remake of "despicable and beauty combined" and "one two three be fucking mine" like I said I wanted to change and remake the story to my new style so the remakes are VERY different from the original