
I started a tumblr account a while ago called annaveralin but the only thing I have posted right now is my Unus Annas drawing. Could you let me know if any of you have a tumblr account so I can check it out and probably fallow, thanks.


I started a tumblr account a while ago called annaveralin but the only thing I have posted right now is my Unus Annas drawing. Could you let me know if any of you have a tumblr account so I can check it out and probably fallow, thanks.


Me: I think the apocalypse is actually going to start now. (referring to how red the sky was)
          My bro: I had a feeling it would start here.
          Me: You thought the apocalypse was going to start in California?
          My bro:Yeah
          This was a conversation I had with my brother yesterday morning.


The last 8 times I've listened to Pandora it has played dead gay son then a few songs later it plays kindergarten boyfriend but this time listening to Pandora it played kindergarten boyfriend before dead gay son. At least it's not playing words fail every time like it was a couple months ago.


I really want to watch the Hamilfilm but I haven't seen yet because only one TV has Disney+, my family wants to watch it together but they keep forgetting and a couple people came over so I just ended up watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail with my brother in his room


@20destiel04  Yasss love both Monty python and Hamilton


I just heard a really big explosion-like sound


Every couple of minutes I'll here a boom or popping sound


@20destiel04 I did because fireworks were going off


            Are they still going? Cause I heard a big one a little while ago and a few just went boom