
New update of LWTM is up!


Her Bully has been re-posted to my back up account @2ChangeElisa2
          The one-shots will remain here on this account and will be ongoing. Wattpad isn't getting rid of Devon and Eve without a fight.


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@2ChangeElisa heyy, you're an awesome writer and your works r really good and you shudnt have to go thru this shit. I think you should publish on inkitt, it has lesser risk of  plagiarism and this other bs. Just a small suggestion, hope it helps !


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Future plans for “Her Bully”:
          Wattpad deleted Her Bully at 1.46 million reads for “violating guidelines”  total bullshit.
          Here’s how I’m going to do things from now on:
          Her Bully one-shots will be posted on THIS account @2ChangeElisa
          The original Her Bully will be posted to my back up account @2ChangeElisa2
          This is a loss I don’t take lightly and I like all of you am devastated and angry. I worked so hard on that story and for it to be deleted is awful. But I’M NOT DONE. Devon and Eve aren’t done.
          Today I will repost both stories on the aforementioned accounts. 
          I love you guys and thank you for always believing in my work. - E


@2ChangeElisa  Omg this is sooo messed up, so sorry they put u thru this. Their algorithm is so annoying. Thank you SO much for not giving up on this book, can't even imagine not having it there to read. Both these people are so precious. We're here for you, anything you need! ♡


                 So effing stupid, either they are cracking down or SOMEBODY reported your story, I mean if you don't like it, just stop reading and walk away. That's what I do when I'm reading something and I'm into it, I just leave it and move on to the next book. I'm pissed :(


What happened to “her bully?” 


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Working on reposting it. I’m going to make a back up account in case they take this one down. I’m not fucking done ya’ll. - E 


@jeonzbutton omg i thought i was the only one