
It's here. A collection of sci-fi works has finally emerged! It will be a collection of shorter sci-fi stories mixed together. The first part of the first story is out! And can be found at the top of my works. 
          	I'm thankful for each and every one of you. Happy Turkey day to those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving as well!


It's here. A collection of sci-fi works has finally emerged! It will be a collection of shorter sci-fi stories mixed together. The first part of the first story is out! And can be found at the top of my works. 
          I'm thankful for each and every one of you. Happy Turkey day to those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving as well!


Hello, all sorry to bug and spam your notifications, but I have need some opinions. What are all of your thoughts on sci-fi? What counts as sci-fi in your opinion? Have you found any good ones lately on here? All thoughts, for better or for worse, are welcome.


@CalliopeWayne Haha. I get that. Thanks again!


@2Runeand4Skull happy to help! Sci-fi is a fun genre to read and write but I’m not sure I can write it. Not a science person 


@CalliopeWayne Okay, that's an interesting point you mention. When I think of sci-fi, I would agree I think of space, but I also think of tech. But I also agree that the world ending isn't really a 'science' inspired fiction. Perhaps its all in the setting versus the characters?  Hmm... I appreciate your thoughts! When I'm editing the idea I have in mind I will be sure to think over what you said. ;) Thanks!


Hey there!
          Thanks for adding my poetry collection to your shelf. Also, noticed you organize your reading lists by genre--I do that too! :D


No problem; and yes, very true. :)


@Shruti612 Hey! Sorry for the late response.
            Your welcome! (And yeah, I do! I like to think that it helps people find more works than what I'm solely  interested in.)


Okay, another huge thank you is in order! My Justice League story has been ranked number one in #DC-comics today! I'm so grateful for all of you readers and voters and every one who helped (and still helps) make that story a success. Thank you times a thousand!


@2Runeand4Skull *screeches in happy for you* :)


@2Runeand4Skull Continue to do a good job.


Wowza. Thanks to everyone who read my original Justice League story. It's almost to 5.7K! Thank you all so much! I'm so grateful!


@MightyKryptonian Thanks. I'm pretty hyped. I appreciate your help reaching that as well.