
Hey yall I think im finna be back writing ion yet tho 


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You low down and I’m not reading any other book yo slow, retarded, self write. Yk what you really despise me cause why would you even think killing Jaymirr off was okay………sum ain’t right u not right I could tell when you made all them spelling errors and stuff but me being me I decided not to even worry about it cause it was a good book until yo bald headed big musty self decided to KILL Jaymirr is you serious?????………..if youn rewrite them last two chapters and give us a happy ending bruh I can’t freaking stand you


Babes….this is embarrassing for you…….


u doin a whole lotta talkin for a bitch who cant spell…big mad over a book they wrote its not that deep fr


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Omm you make me siccc like ONG bro I find it funny how you even in college and spelled all them words wrong but me being me I excused it cause IT WAS A GOOD BOOK but you go sit up there and kill my guyyyyyy like why would you do that you low down, selfish AND SUM. Yk what don’t write no more books if you go get somebody attached to a person AND THEN KILL THEM OFFFFFF


And actualllyyyyyy ian in college bookie STAY MAD HO HAHA