
OK im changing it a bit... just cause i don't wanna make extra work on myself by having to make new parts of Aphmaus story(cause im totes not doing that already...)


Quick something that i need to clarify. I do not condone any of the types of behavior or actions I write about in real life. All the things I write are simply fictional and for entertainment purposes. I do not support the people who do the kinds of things I write about. Such as s3xu4l a$$ult, student x teacher relationships, stalking, anything I write along these lines should not be done. If you know someone that any of these things are happening to, or if you are a victim yourself, please contact the police and stay safe.


Some1 tell me to stop making new stories everytime i have a book idea cause rn i have 17 draft books that i havent even started but i made the whole plot and lore in my head(dont stop me, give me more ideas)