
read my current post if you want to see what's going on but basically this account will most likely be going inactive but you can follow me on my new acc which is @befourcal :-) 


so basically i lost the password to this account and i'm pretty sure i'm going to be getting a new phone because my phone i have right now is glitching a lot so basically i made a list of all the stuff in my library to add to my new accounts library and if you wanna follow that new account you can its @befourcal :-) love u 


Long time no chat. I feel bad for those of you who followed me through an old story and now have nothing, but!!!!!! I'm just posting this to let y'all know that I am writing again! I have faith in this story that I'm working on right now, and I'm working on about two others as well, they're just sitting in my drafts. I just want to critique them as best as I can before I let them out into the world for you all to see. But thanks for holding on this long (it has been a while) I really appreciate it. . All the love, Faith. 


Please. Please. Please. Pray for the world. Pray for Paris, terrorist attacks hit them Friday and over 100 were killed. Pray for Japan, an earthquake and upcoming tsunami are going on over there and 18K people are dead/missing. Pray for Baghdad, there were bombing killings that took the life of 40. Pray for Mexico, there was a hurricane. If you don't pray, if you don't believe in God(s), then just send a positive thought their way. Just anything, please. They need it. Remember Friday, November 13, 2015. Pray, send positive thoughts/vibes. All the love, Faith. 


So hi. Announcement to all who read my stories- 
          I am discontinuing them due on account of 1. I do not wish to continue writing. 2. I started these stories like 5 months ago- ish (I planned them like 7 months ago) and started to write them but realized I can not finish and do not want to finish. I do not feel as if I am as good of an author as I imagined the stories, so writing them or attempting, feels as a huge waste of my time and a huge let down on all of you. I am sorry if you were wanting them to continue. I know I put stories up and take them down a lot. I have decided to finish a story before I post it so this doesn't happen again. I don't know when I will be posting or writing again. I do have ideas, but I do not have the inspiration or determination as of now. Again, my apologies. Someday, I hope to not repeatedly take down things and actually finish a story so I can actually feel accomplished with something. 
          Ash and Dust + Ian will be down in this week after I have clearly thought it through:). Thanks. 
          All the love, Faith.