
I actually got really depressed,  and was very deep in therapy plus Now I manifest so yeah


@80s_cigarette are you alright now? :((


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Okay let's get the cat out of the bag
          I am so mad at some stans who fucking twisted Jisoo's word about her mental health and got dragged stiffsoo and hagsoo calling her names won't solve your ego problems which the stans are showing And yes I am proudly saying I am a Jisoo solo stan but I support the girls because they did nothing but their fans make me feel disgust because first writing behind the screen and dragging one female idol for another does seems like you all just blindly support what your faves do. Even if one day your faves start a prostitution club the stans will support them. The stans really do not have a life outside just defending their idols like don't you have studies dont you have money to make like stop getting upset over a tweet and have all the plans to drag them and throw the idol under the bus. Y'all need a life please