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even of you are asian, dont call other asians by racial slurs. thats fucking disgusting and hurtful. 'chink' is a chinese racial slur and if u r not chinese you shouldn't use it,, ++ taiwanese ppl are politically and legally NOT chinese so stop using it as an excuse. what you are doing is not acceptable.


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even of you are asian, dont call other asians by racial slurs. thats fucking disgusting and hurtful. 'chink' is a chinese racial slur and if u r not chinese you shouldn't use it,, ++ taiwanese ppl are politically and legally NOT chinese so stop using it as an excuse. what you are doing is not acceptable.


i'm so happy that someone spoke up to
          this. she has done horrible things. please
          report mintymilky.


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same i knew st was wrong with her but i didnt knew she was that fucked up omg


@90VERSACE I should've believed you the first time you spoke up against her. she really was extremely toxic.