
@shirinelectro  im really sorry to disappoint you that the story isn't going to be continued omg u probably hate me but its okay I don't mine bc u have a right and I'm a pathetic person.
          	But tysssm for liking the story and thinking it's worth translation it really means a lot and always will ily xx


questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
Hiii !!! Right so I understand that a few people who've been reading Baby Doll are getting annoyed and tired of my bullshit bc i'm not updating .
          But I'm really sorry to inform that I won't be updating it anymore I'm afraid, partially bc there been a lot going on in my pathetic life lately and I have lost my...tempo & interest ?!? of writing it & partially bc I've also lost ALL MY FUCKING DRAFTS BC WATTPAD TOO DECIDED TO BE BITCH WITH ME & IT WONT EVEN LET ME OPEN THE STORY OR DELETE IT LIKE WTF MATE but oh well.
          I'll probably just start a new story afte some time along with continuing Zayn Malik || Night Changes , bc idk i just will and I still have drafts and plans for it too so yeah
          I'm really sorry if u hate me I understand & I don't blame u bc I honestly hate it too when that happens to the story I'm half way through  reading.
          Don't I seem like hypocrite bitch rn omfg