
As I'm approaching the first year anniversary of the end of VV and the start of MM, I'm realizing how much I really haven't been able to write for MM. I've been unfortunately addicted to a video game for the past year. The birthday of one of my favorite characters from that game is coming up, so I'm trying to write a quick thing for that. And I've increased the amount of stories I want to work on from 4 to maybe 6? There's a lot I want to write, specifically of that game, so who knows what's going to happen with that. I want to work on MM more. I really do. Especially when I've been wanting to write this since 2018. And since I have so much for it, the next Chap in particular being pretty interesting. I'm trying. Once I finish this birthday piece (hopefully before the character's birthday -_-) then I'll try to work on MM again. Hopefully I can even get something done as Kyo's birthday gift. By the way, Kyo's birthday is May 10th. Oh boy. 
          	Wish me luck. And if I don't have anything by that day, start pestering me.


As I'm approaching the first year anniversary of the end of VV and the start of MM, I'm realizing how much I really haven't been able to write for MM. I've been unfortunately addicted to a video game for the past year. The birthday of one of my favorite characters from that game is coming up, so I'm trying to write a quick thing for that. And I've increased the amount of stories I want to work on from 4 to maybe 6? There's a lot I want to write, specifically of that game, so who knows what's going to happen with that. I want to work on MM more. I really do. Especially when I've been wanting to write this since 2018. And since I have so much for it, the next Chap in particular being pretty interesting. I'm trying. Once I finish this birthday piece (hopefully before the character's birthday -_-) then I'll try to work on MM again. Hopefully I can even get something done as Kyo's birthday gift. By the way, Kyo's birthday is May 10th. Oh boy. 
          Wish me luck. And if I don't have anything by that day, start pestering me.


Wow Phoenix actually posting a new chap of MM so suddenly. Yeah, turns out I was able to finish that chap with just a few more sentences. Now if I can work on the next chap which is definitely going to be interesting when I finally finish that. Hopefully that can be soon. Probably on my next day off next week?


Me: "Cool, winter break. I could get some writing done!"
          Me *gets invested in a new fan fic idea that I have to immediately write all my thoughts of so I don't forget it*
          Me at the end of break: "Wow... I wrote one page!"
          This is to say I haven't written much of MM despite really wanting to. I promise once I finish planning out this monster of a fan fic idea I'll try to go back into MM more. 


Just finished all my commentary of VV and of the preview chap of MM. I'll probably do the same for MM once I finish that, but who knows when that will be. Luckily bringing myself back to this brought me more interest in MM so I started writing out more thoughts for myself and have been continuing chap 3. Hopefully I can finish it soon and get it published soon. 


I express so many apologies because of my complete disappearance. School sucked this semester. That's the main reason. 
          I've been taking a creative writing class, so that sucked up my creativity. I came up with two new long story thoughts that I want to write concurrently with MM and PNE. And my mind just couldn't think of how to continue the specific chap of MM I was on. 
          So writing has been rough the past few months. 
          Hopefully with winter break approaching (my last important day of the semester being less than a week after I post this), I should be able to get some more writing done. Hopefully all stories, but I should try to put some focus in MM. I've been wanting to write about Mistral for years, I need to take my chance to finally write him now. 
          But anyway, I'm still alive and everything and hopefully new stuff should be coming soon.


            Some more stuff because this just plopped right back in my head, but the annoying thing is, I have written some MM stuff for myself in the past few months, but it's been stuff not completely connected to chap 3. 
            "Here's Mistral with a character we haven't met yet." 
            "Okay but chap 3?" 
            "Here's Mistral talking with a character we haven't met yet." 
            "Okay but where's chap 3?"
            "Here's Kyo having many ~Problems~." 
            "Chap 3?"
            "Chat log stuff with only Tarou and Yuuta."
            "Please, chap 3..."
            In other words, I can't write


So definitely seems like now that I've started school for the semester it's going to be harder to write chaps. I am still working on MM chap 3 tho when I have time, so hopefully that can be posted soon.
          And I keep forgetting to reread chaps of VV and comment on them. I'll try the next chap at least of that after I try some writing now. 
          But I shall get to stuff eventually, I promise. I just can't really do much anymore because school is rough and I start work next week. 


So chap 2 of MM is going to be long.
          I just finished writing it and it's about 22 pages in my notebook. In comparison, the last chap of VV in this same notebook is 15 pages. 
          Oh boy. 
          Anyway chap 2 should be posted soon.


Alright. Now that I've gotten MM started and VV is officially done, let's hope for a more constant schedule again.
          I still have my side thing I'm working on for Camp Nano this month, but that's just going to be taking me over for the rest of July. Once July is over, I plan to get a set schedule with my writing.
          The current idea is 1 chap of something written each week. And then to alternate between what I writing with. Starting with chap 2 of MM in the first week of August, the next chap of PNE the next week, and then a chap of something else I'm doing. [[Which, hey I'm also going to try to get back into PNE]]
          This is a rough idea at first and there is the chance that I might change this, but I'll be trying it out once August starts. 
          I will add, tho, that since PNE and the other thing I'm working on are not completely planned yet, I may take the weeks for those stories for planning rather than writing. But I am definitely going to try for MM during the weeks set for those. 
          Anyway, stay tuned for more.
          And remember to go into Momentous Moon for the full first chap and the continuation of Vigorous Vegas :)