
"What defines us..." new poem in "The feeling can be the healing and other poems".


Have you ever asked yourself how you can I get more attention on my books? 
          More reads, votes, and comments? 
          Well, your wish is my command!
           Introducing my review shop where you can get book reviews and honest, constructive criticism and feedback and connect with other writers along the way 
           Just fill out a form and we'll go from there. 
          Have a wonderful day!


@ The__Tourtured__Poet  Thanks. Nowadays I'm busy to participate. But I wish good luck and congratulations for this initiative. Keep going. Have a good day.


          Thank you so much for following me! 
          I'm always open to supporting fellow writers on their creative journey. 
          Please don't hesitate to reach out - I would love to connect and collaborate with you. 


@ The__Tourtured__Poet  Okay, thanks. I also wish you good luck on your writing journey. Have a good day. Keep writing.


Thank you so much for supporting me, it means the world!
          Have a cookie 
          [Inserts Cookie emoji]
          I hope you have a fantastic day.
          Don't forget to check out my book and let me know what you think and I will return the favor on your books 


@ The_Scribbled_Wr1ter  Okay, no problem, but thanks. Keep writing.


Please and please do check this out
          And sorry for using your board message without your permission and please share and tag friends.
          Hey everyone! 
          Exciting news!  I've just launched a brand new book club and I'd love for you to be a part of it! 
          It's not your typical book club - no strict rules or overbearing regulations here!  Just a cozy space where we can share our favorite books, exchange opinions, and have a ton of fun together! 
          So, if you're looking for a chill and welcoming community to talk all things books, this is the place to be!  Come join us and let's dive into the wonderful world of literature together! 
          Can't wait to see you there! ✨https://www.wattpad.com/story/365756473?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=JOYCEPEN2


@JOYCEPEN2 Good luck in your writing journey. I'm not joining the book club, because nowadays I'm busy with activities outside of Wattpad. But I will put your book on one of my reading lists to encourage you to continue with this project.


@AJCrazyEyes sure thank you so much ❤️


@JOYCEPEN2 Congratulations on your new book club. I will take a look. 
            I understand you, but I don't recommend you keep posting (spam) on people's board messages, many people may not like it and delete it. Maybe a better option is to send a private message(or another way), okay. 
            Keep writing. Keep believing. And congratulations again on your book club, congrats to spread the seed of the reading/writing. Have a good day.