
An update to all my followers, Iter Per Astra volume 2 Fearless Commando will soon be available, my planned release date is somewhere between the end of March and the beginning of April, and I have finished editing about halfway through the volume. The story is already written I am just going over grammatical errors and fixing some small things that may remain unclear. Volumes after this one will require more work on my part as they are not completely written yet, volume 2 is about 90% written, volume 3 is about halfway written, volume 4 is 15% written with volumes 5 and 6 still in the plot creating stage, and I still have some plot points that I want to cover before the journey ends and as they may not be covered in these volumes, more volumes could be on the way. I do hope that you will look forward to reading them when they launch. That is all on my part. A. J. Rizeza out. God Bless You.


An update to all my followers, Iter Per Astra volume 2 Fearless Commando will soon be available, my planned release date is somewhere between the end of March and the beginning of April, and I have finished editing about halfway through the volume. The story is already written I am just going over grammatical errors and fixing some small things that may remain unclear. Volumes after this one will require more work on my part as they are not completely written yet, volume 2 is about 90% written, volume 3 is about halfway written, volume 4 is 15% written with volumes 5 and 6 still in the plot creating stage, and I still have some plot points that I want to cover before the journey ends and as they may not be covered in these volumes, more volumes could be on the way. I do hope that you will look forward to reading them when they launch. That is all on my part. A. J. Rizeza out. God Bless You.


Hello Everyone
          The Latest chapter of Iter Per Astra is now available. This chapter is probably one of my favorite chapters, and I have spent countless hours making sure it is the best that it can be.
          The chapter's name is "Attack on Nautica Harbor" and be sure to give it a read!!
          God Bless you all!!


Hello everyone. 
          Hope you all had a good winter break, I decided to take a break from writing as well, the next chapter is a long one, and it will be out at midday on Wednesday, be sure to look out for it when it drops! 
          Happy new year and God bless you all.


Hello everyone. I am excited to announce that I have designed an official book cover art for the 1st Constellation (1st Volume) of Iter Per Astra, besides that, I have also updated every single photo and logo on Facebook and Wattpad (Not including story photos), and finally I want to introduce you all to the official Author Webpage of A. J. Rizeza which is currently available at 
          That is all for now, Chapter 5 will soon be available.
          A. J. Rizeza Out
          God Bless you all