
this message may be offensive
Okay, so, I know that I'm normally not the bragging type, but I'd just like to state for the record that I just saw the fucking Northern Lights, baby!!!! Boo-fucking-yah!!!! How cool is that?!?!


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Okay, so, I know that I'm normally not the bragging type, but I'd just like to state for the record that I just saw the fucking Northern Lights, baby!!!! Boo-fucking-yah!!!! How cool is that?!?!


Alr. Here's the dealio. I'm in a little bit of a slump and I need some help. Anyone have any one-shot ideas for me? I'm open to any and all suggestions, so don't be afraid to hold back and let 'em rip.


@AJSwagmire I have an idea
            What if you continue your soss series with s5?? Because, you did a HUGE cliffhanger and I NEED TO KNOW what happens next, lol! <3


Okay, SOSS fans, I've got some sad news for ya: Today, May 5th, 2024, is the one-year anniversary of the SOSS s3 turned series finale. And because it was cancelled due to the strikes(and the cast growing up), we'll never get to know why Nick came back to the present, we'll never get to see Griffin and Harper's relationship fully develop, we'll never get to see Sulphur Springs in the future, we'll never get to see Ben learn about time travel and reunite with Savannah, and most importantly, we'll never get season 4 of SOSS ever. 
          But thankfully, I have a way to remedy that since if the timing works out, I should have my SOSS s4 finale one-shot dropping either sometime later today or tomorrow, so be on the lookout for that. In the meantime, I love y'all so much and I'll see you on the flipside.


@killiancaptainhook I wouldn't get your hopes up......


@AJSwagmire can't wait to read! maybe it'll ease the pain a little.


@AJSwagmire There is honestly a lot of mystery and questions yet to be answered in SoSS but we'll never know. Like if Harper's grandma Marie had left behind anything useful to guide Harper with her Seer powers. (because S2 mentioned Grandma Marie "saved everything" and is always crazy prepared somehow, of course Daisy would have told her daughter about what its like being a Seer since Daisy had a Seer mother)


Currently sitting on my bed with headphones on and listening to love songs with tears in my ears because I didn't get to go to prom and dance to my heart's content. 
          (And no, it's not because I was grounded).


@AJSwagmire i didn't go to one either. i've never been to a prom in my life lol. and i totally didn't feel completely excluded when so many people on my running team were talking about their prom from yesterday...


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@4madsxx personal shit, like with a lot of things going in my life right now.


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So, since private messaging on Wattpad is going bye-bye like a dad who left to get the milk, and y'all still have something you want to say to me, then either speak now or forever hold your peace. 
          You guys have no idea just how much I've loved talking to you this past year since I joined Wattpad, and it sucks that we won't be able to do that for much longer. Anyways, I love you so fucking much and I'll see y'all on the flipside. Ciao!!! <3<3<3


@killiancaptainhook ain't that the truth. It's just like Savannah said: Once seahorses find each other, they stay together for life, regardless of whether they're platonic or romantic seahorses.


@AJSwagmire so glad we'll still be able to chat....I don't think I'd survive without our daily convos!


@l0wk3y2006 the feeling is mutual, babe.


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Okay, so I think I came down with a case of heatstroke, and it is the absolute fucking worst thing in the world.


@AJSwagmire oh phew, okay that's good.


@l0wk3y2006 Yeah, it's gone, now. Long story.


@AJSwagmire NOOOOO omg that actually sounds awful, are you okay???


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So, since Wattpad is getting rid of private messaging, I figured I might as well put this out there before it's too late: If any of y'all who follow me have any other social media profiles, you can find me on X/Twitter at @RedHeadAJ2147 and Tumblr at @skyspider82 and we can continue talking on those platforms if you care enough to follow me on those platforms. 
          Anyways, I just wanted to let you all know that I've loved talking to you all so much, and I really fucking wish that Wattpad wasn't getting rid of private messaging, but that's just life.


@AJSwagmire I wish I had Twitter or Tumblr. :(