Last night I envisioned what his face would look like when it happened. It genuinely terrified me. I'm so sorry, buddy


When your grandma says you're funny >>>>>>>>>>>>


@InsertName1230 She always says nice things about me :)


@ALLIGAT0R-B0Y yassss thats the best feeling ever


Birds are such silly creatures. I watch them play around with each other everyday in sixth period, and this morning, I saw one trying to fly away with a piece of trash. He kept trying to make it work but eventually left it and scadaddled away with friend. So silly :)


Came up with a random scenario in my head this morning where a 38 year old Indonesian woman took over my Wattpad account and wrote Paranoia (in said scenario I didn't write it) and paid me to take the credit for it, because also in this scenario the book was really popular but at the same time a lot of people were hating on it in a dangerous manner towards the author. So I was getting harassed and doxxed yet this lady was paying me to act like I was the author. Weird stuff ngl.
          Then I watched a random video just now and found out the accent the woman had wasn't Indonesian but instead French


Yo. Just wanted to say hello and goodbye, I’m probably never gonna send another message, but  there is a sliver of hope that’s probably gone, hope you get mentally better and have fun.


@ALLIGAT0R-B0Y but hey, there’s still a chance cause I’m about get a long ahh break from school


So basically I dreamed about these people being saved by being led along the sides of these really tall buildings, and once everyone was safe and reunited with each other, there was a celebration by a cookout, one line was for a hotdog stand and another was for some nachos or something. But for some reason the setting changed when I went to the second line, I even ended up in some store in the candy isle randomly. Starbursts are what I was thinking about.