
Hi everyone. It has been a very long time since i've logged onto this website. I don't really know what to tell you guys other than that I am amazed by the fact that there are over 280k + of you who have read my stories. I just want to say I appreciate you all so very much. 
          	I am a very different person from when I started this account 7 years ago. I am on an indefinite hiatus but I will leave my work up for you all to continue to enjoy. 
          	xoxo Hannah


Hi everyone. It has been a very long time since i've logged onto this website. I don't really know what to tell you guys other than that I am amazed by the fact that there are over 280k + of you who have read my stories. I just want to say I appreciate you all so very much. 
          I am a very different person from when I started this account 7 years ago. I am on an indefinite hiatus but I will leave my work up for you all to continue to enjoy. 
          xoxo Hannah


I'm so mad because i told my mom that i want to go to pride but my mom shot me down. She said "really? you don't want to go to that." and when i told her i that i know people that are going she said "Really who?" Ughh i'm so annoyed and i don't think i'm coming out anytime soon