
My bdays tomorrow 


So uh the reason I haven't been updating is because my phone broke I got mad a smashed it on a rock so uh yeah I have drafts for like two stories I'm working on hopefully I won't have to get a new phone. But yeah when I fix my phone except updates from a second chance to love and no homo 


I have bad writers block I'm trying to read more to get motivated and get new ideas 


@ ANAhhssm  lol same-... I hate how I get those kinda regularly xD So annoying!
                I hope yours will disappear while you are reading others' books ~☆
            Sometimes others' stories can inspire one to write again :- )


Ok I just realized the Christmas story I've been working on for the past couple weeks won't be finished intime for Christmas it's that long but it has given me a break and I feel moderated to write my story's for a while