Hello, Beauties. As many can see, I have unpublished Black Kpop Idols. Although I am happy many enjoy it, I wish to enjoy it, too. I've grown as a writer, and when I read this book, I feel sad. I feel like I can do so much better. So, that's what I am going to do. I'm completely revamping this book and will publish it when ready. Please, do not be mad. I do apologize. I simply want this to be the best that it can be. Thank you. 
          	                    - ANUCAL


Hello, Beauties. As many can see, I have unpublished Black Kpop Idols. Although I am happy many enjoy it, I wish to enjoy it, too. I've grown as a writer, and when I read this book, I feel sad. I feel like I can do so much better. So, that's what I am going to do. I'm completely revamping this book and will publish it when ready. Please, do not be mad. I do apologize. I simply want this to be the best that it can be. Thank you. 
                              - ANUCAL


Hello, Beauties. It's been a while. I do apologize. I am incredibly grateful for all of the interactions thus far. However, I am aware that significant editing needs to happen. As a fresh graduate, I have more time on my hands. I'm honestly gonna take it little by little. I'd hate to overdo it and completely stop. SO! LET'S GO!!!


Hey guys. Alrighty, so a lot has been going on. My mom was exposed to corona from work and she sent me and my sister to go stay with some other family for a while. I'm finally back and ready to work, but here's the thing... I'm personally not that happy with how things are going on my "page." I'm going to be editing like crazy. I'm going to be finishing stories, but I won't be publishing till July 1st. This gives me enough time actually make sure that everything is to my heart's desires. I write because I love it. I also write because I love catering to you beautiful queens out there. I know that there aren't many books that are about your favorite celebrity, or anime character that have a black woman/you as the lead. I genuinely want to change that. I'm in a much better head-space, and I'm ready to give these books my all. Remember, if you have any requests, please don't hesitate to send them to me via PM. I will also be finishing those that aren't (though most are.) I love you all so so much and I hope that you all will stay patient with me. Stay safe, blessed and beautiful <3


          I will be going through some major changes! I can only focus on a few things at once. I need to figure out what books I can give my undivided attention to, and those that can be put on hold for a little while. Please help!


Everything will be released with one chapter... except for one thing. I am working on a story that I thought of and it will have a lot. going on. I just hope that you all like it. It's different from what I've ever written before. 
          ~ Anywho, I pray that you all enjoy all that I've worked hard on. I love you all, and have a blessed day, afternoon, and/or night
          Everything will be uploaded at 12:00 pm central time  <3