
Immmmm baaackkk!!! Ive been on like every once in a month for the last few months, but IM BACK! Ive been busy writing offline and will have some new stories up too. Ill be taking a whole day at least once a week just for find new, amazing stories. Love you guys, thanks for sticking with me :)


You're welcome for 69 followers ;)


I know its been like 6 and a half years, but NICE.


Hi Lexi, 
          I know I'm probably a weirdo, but I had an account in 2012 under the same name, but sadly it was deleted.  I was looking through my old emails and I saw some of your comments and seriously loled. I just wanted to get in touch with you.  I'm the girl who liked Paramore.


wow i just realized how strange i sounded in that comment.....


Oh wow. Well, HI there! Long time no see i suppose... Honestly i only remember a bit about you, mostly about how much i loved your books. Well, welcome back to wattpad, friend!


Immmmm baaackkk!!! Ive been on like every once in a month for the last few months, but IM BACK! Ive been busy writing offline and will have some new stories up too. Ill be taking a whole day at least once a week just for find new, amazing stories. Love you guys, thanks for sticking with me :)