
A star has 5 ends
          A square has 4 ends
          A mine has 2 ends
          But a circle of friendship has no end
          Send this to all your friends (me too if I am one)
          If you get this back 5 times you are a good friend
          If you get it back 10 times you are popular
          If you get it back 19 times dang I am jealous 


A star has 5 ends. A square has 4 ends. A line has 2 ends. But the circle of our friendship has no end. Send this to all your friends (including me if I am one) if you get 5 back, you are a good friend.  If you get 10 back, you are popular. If you get 15 back then DAMN !!!


මගේ කතාව කියවනවට,vote කරන්වට,comment  කරලා මාව ශක්තිමත් කරනවට ගොඩාක් ස්තූතියීඊඊ ❤❤❤❤❤


@ASMJSY (^×^)* (^×^)* (^×^)*