
Hey guys, my computer crashed so still working on wrong side of tracks but I hate typing on my phone,anyway,this really is up to you guys. I enjoyed writing a wolf girls tale and I was wondering if I should remake the book,like the chapters that I already made r the same but the story goes on, how would u guys feel about that?I reall6 need your opinion every voice matters


Hey guys, my computer crashed so still working on wrong side of tracks but I hate typing on my phone,anyway,this really is up to you guys. I enjoyed writing a wolf girls tale and I was wondering if I should remake the book,like the chapters that I already made r the same but the story goes on, how would u guys feel about that?I reall6 need your opinion every voice matters


Hey guys well with the followers I do I have I would like to apologize for being absent and not updating well i've been really busy but summer is coming soon so updates will come but sadly not to my story a wolf girls tale that story will be removed, but a new story will be created with kind of as simular idea not quiet though and the names will be the same or close as the other story just because i suck at making names but anyway  look foward to my new story coming soon and no more of a wolf girls tale