
How do people find this profile and end up following it? What am I doing that warrants that? Asking for a genuinely confused human named me.


@narutolover21 well I saw a pic of Shawn, then I saw naruto lover, I have only watched a little naruto but I thought oh wow a potential nerd yes please. I loved what I read on your profile about your ideals and what you stand up for and I love Shawn, watched a litte anime and I'm a total nerd hehe so yes, that's why people follow you, you seem interesting 


How do people find this profile and end up following it? What am I doing that warrants that? Asking for a genuinely confused human named me.


@narutolover21 well I saw a pic of Shawn, then I saw naruto lover, I have only watched a little naruto but I thought oh wow a potential nerd yes please. I loved what I read on your profile about your ideals and what you stand up for and I love Shawn, watched a litte anime and I'm a total nerd hehe so yes, that's why people follow you, you seem interesting 