
Scene ideas? (This mini-series needs a name)
          	Ben has never stared so much at something in his life than he has at her lips. Ever since their conversation in the library he just can’t seem to measure the fact in his mind, that Mal was truly beautiful, inside and out. He had spent his nights drawing cherry blossoms, the only thing in nature he could really find to replicate Mal. The drawings were always incomplete as though there was more he wanted to say, more he wanted to know but didn’t know how to show it. 
          	His thoughts ran wild as he saw her coming down Alvoren’s hall. The place was buzzing with people trying to get to the lunch room as quickly as possible and yet Ben could only see her. She smiled and even though it was quite obvious she had faked every moment of that smile he enjoyed it, soaking it in. He leaned against the railing behind him not paying attention to the words the people around him were trying to say. But then he frowned. As Mal approached closer he realised she had been smiling with a joke his brother had told her. She was walking in step with Tobias. 
          	He straightened his posture and fixed his royal blue jacket across his shoulder. He didn’t bother to adjust his tie like Mal had told him and his mouth was suddenly dry. 
          	“Ben, are you listening?” Gordon says.


Scene ideas? (This mini-series needs a name)
          Ben has never stared so much at something in his life than he has at her lips. Ever since their conversation in the library he just can’t seem to measure the fact in his mind, that Mal was truly beautiful, inside and out. He had spent his nights drawing cherry blossoms, the only thing in nature he could really find to replicate Mal. The drawings were always incomplete as though there was more he wanted to say, more he wanted to know but didn’t know how to show it. 
          His thoughts ran wild as he saw her coming down Alvoren’s hall. The place was buzzing with people trying to get to the lunch room as quickly as possible and yet Ben could only see her. She smiled and even though it was quite obvious she had faked every moment of that smile he enjoyed it, soaking it in. He leaned against the railing behind him not paying attention to the words the people around him were trying to say. But then he frowned. As Mal approached closer he realised she had been smiling with a joke his brother had told her. She was walking in step with Tobias. 
          He straightened his posture and fixed his royal blue jacket across his shoulder. He didn’t bother to adjust his tie like Mal had told him and his mouth was suddenly dry. 
          “Ben, are you listening?” Gordon says.


hola. I'm not new here, I just started a new account specifically to get rid of my MHA fanfic life and to solely focus on this new descendants book I'm writing. 
          The story does NOT stay the same as the movie. Along the five or so books there are A LOT of changes. I'll be sending scene snippets to keep the excitement growing and to get some followers here and there while I post. 
          here are only a couple of changes i made to the original plot of the story: 
          1. Ben will not be king because he is not first in line anymore. His eldest brother, Benedict Tobias is. (He is turning 21 and unfortunately, I made him hotter than Ben. No matter how hard you try you'll take a liking to Benedict). He also has a younger brother named Benson. 
          2.  There are now Auradanian soldiers on the Isle. Maleficent is losing control over her people and the Isle is a bloodbath of survival. 
          3. The royals are separated from the villagers/ commoners. 
          4. Beast is the main villain. Yes i know he's hot but he's bad. 
          5. The Isle was created sixteen years ago, not twenty to factor in the fact that Hades does not make it on the Isle. Explanation: stay tuned for book 2.
          there's a lot of prejudice and romance and humor in this one and I'm seriously passionate about it. So spread the word and get it out there. It's called "Across the Dome" and essentially it is children healing from traumas their parents gave them. 
          It is NOT  aimed at children at all by the way. They won't understand. If you are below the age of 14, don't read. I shall not be held responsible for your corruption.


@Aayra300  excited!! (I am the old account. passing on my torch)