
Hi lovelies!!
          	Long time no speak!!
          	I hope you guys are doing well especially with all the negative things happening in the world (Russia attacking Ukraine!).
          	If you need anyone to speak to, I am always happy to listen.
          	Finally I have released Ch 38 of time bomb . Hope you all enjoy it .
          	Abi Silverz 


Hi lovelies!!
          Long time no speak!!
          I hope you guys are doing well especially with all the negative things happening in the world (Russia attacking Ukraine!).
          If you need anyone to speak to, I am always happy to listen.
          Finally I have released Ch 38 of time bomb . Hope you all enjoy it .
          Abi Silverz 


@AbiSilberz hope you doing good and new year is treating you great Please come back I am miserable with no reading


@yonelanjabulo Thank you for checking up on me!! I've been so busy at work and trying my best to survive . Anyways going to do some writing this weekend so hopefully a chapter will be released. Hope you are good too .


@yonelanjabulo AbiSilverz sorry for misprint


YOOOOOOOOO! I was literally thinking about you the other day because I was going through my library. I hope you are well and if not, I hope things get better. ♥️♥️


@RoseTee3  That's the way forward!! Need to find a way to pay off all the debts I incurred last year because of Covid! Hoping the new year will bring more money. (Though I am already feeling January will be a stretch ).


@AbiSilverz Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well!! It's great to hear that life is going well for you. I'm doing good myself. Making steps to take my writing more seriously, gonna work on paying off debt, and see where life takes me!


@RoseTee3  Heya!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New year! How is life? I have been good. Lots of good major changes happening in my life but sadly means less time writing. I am still here though.