Hey guys! Almost all my stories are about a shy/naive girl and a dominant male.
If you don't like my stories then don't read them. Please don't read just to put mean comments. Thank you! :)
Spotify: JustAQuietPluviophile
FAVORITE QUOTE(OF THE MOMENT): "Books are a uniquely portable magic."
-Stephen King
  • Phoenix
  • انضمSeptember 9, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
Acertifiedbookaholic Acertifiedbookaholic Feb 28, 2022 07:25PM
I have started college so the next chapter may take a while. I am working on it, just not as much.
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Acertifiedbookaholic
Mafia Man's Kitten بقلم Acertifiedbookaholic
Mafia Man's Kitten
Suddenly I hear a chuckle above me. No, multiple chuckles above me. My eyes pop open and all I can do is star...
7 قوائم قراءة