
HAPPY PRIDE FUCKERS ️‍ if you are homophobic gtfo


Okay so apparently I can’t put emojis so that gap there was the rainbow flag emoji fyi 


attention! my cute fellow witch n wizards ~
          d u like to read? 
          well since ur here then I suppose so, if u happen to like fantasy stories then check out @melifluousgelatoo she have a rly good fantasy book 
          (titled Inure) (ongoing)
          here's the link n if it's not working then u can find it in my reading list

          Im a fan n i think she deserves more supports for that amazing work she made.
          Thankiesss, hope u have a nice day, if not then accio fire whiskey
          let's go, muach ❤️


I have just had spare time to say this but if you still support trump after the events that happend at the capital please unfollow me and leave. I’m not one to tell you who to support but we as Americans fought so hard to keep a confederate flag out of there and now you walk in as if you own the place and bring disorder and disgusting behavior less than 6 months ago you were saying blue lives matter and now you are holding those flags while harming the police force. I just can’t with y’all he lost and you have to get over it


this message may be offensive
Y’all think your siblings are bad I just told my sister about the f slur and she had the fucking audacity to tell me that wasn’t a real thing. NEWSFLASH BITCH LESS THEN 50 YEARS AGO I WOULD HAVE BEEN ROLLED INTO A CARPET AND BURNED FOR LOVING WHO I LOVE 


I’m sure many people have seen the tweet JK Rowling Wrote it’s not okay for her to take that opinion on that topic it’s not her place to be talking about how people feel about transitioning their social identities. Some of you may have also read Daniel Radcliffes response I respect them both but if you are homophobic or transphobic you need to kept it to yourself you are just trying to get attention