
Don't you people get tired of me ? 
          	I keep popping on and off. I have a nephew now. He's a little sunshine of six months. Been very busy helping my sister with baby and working and studying and all that. And here I am, again.
          	What's going on with you ? 
          	Also, please give me something to ground myself back here !


@Bees_and_Flowers True… we got through it with Zayn, we’re still here in the seventh year of the hiatus, what more can we do?


@That-gleeky-gal That‘s true…very true but I think we can overcome this…we had worse and did it so why not now? It‘s all going to be alright


@Bees_and_Flowers I just don’t think I can take anymore heartache from this band… everything, it’s all so pointless. They’re my reason; they’re the reason I’m still ALIVE, I can’t lose them now.


Hey aditi!! I really love ur fic "not again" just wanted to inform u that ive read an exact copy of it but with diff characters. I really dont want to bother and its really not my business but i really like ur works and dont want them to be copied like this honestly!