
There is a serious protest going on in my country now and it's causing loss of lives, please pray for Nigeria. And help spread the word before the shut down our internet.


          	  I'm Nigerian too-


          thanks so much for following me! if you followed me for my stories, i truly hope you enjoy them! ♡
          if they aren’t your cup of tea (or coffee) that’s totally cool too, i just appreciate you taking the time to check out my profile where i share pieces of my heart + feature some of my  favorite stories (& people) on wattpad! 


Hi there, just saying thank you for reading and voting for Regency Masquerade - I hope you enjoy the rest of the story :)


@Agapebeloved Thank you! And yes, there is a paperback edition through Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords etc There should be a link on my profile page :)


@VeraLoy you are most welcom. It's an awesome story, I love how the characters are realistic and the vanity that seems to plague every historical fiction is missing. Great job. Is there a paperback edition?


I read Purpose Driven Life a Long time ago.  Overall, it made me feel good.  Although, I have some challenges with it.  If you do not mind I will note one of them.  If this is helpful, I will share the others.  The Gospel message is compromised by focusing on me.
             The phrase “for Jesus sake” isn’t used in The Purpose-Driven Life, nor is the concept emphasized nearly as much as it should be.  A paraphrase of “for Jesus sake” could be “because of what Jesus did for me.”  An exposition of “because of what Jesus did for me” could be “because Jesus carried my sins to the cross while I was still His enemy, God sees me as holy and promises me eternal life, even though I deserve His wrath.”  Many of the statements RW makes in The Purpose-Driven Life can only be rightfully made by putting the words “for Jesus sake” after them:
          “Your life is worth taking the time to think about it” for Jesus sake.54
          “You are a child of God, and you bring pleasure to God like nothing else he has ever created” for Jesus sake.55
          “He loves you as if you were the only person on earth” for Jesus sake.56
          “When we worship, God looks past our words to see the attitude of our hearts” for Jesus sake.57
          “The secret of endurance is to remember that your pain is temporary but your reward will be eternal” for Jesus sake.58
          “Even better, God has promised to reward your faithfulness in eternity” for Jesus sake.59
          “God wants to speak to the world through you” for Jesus sake.60
          “World-class Christians are the only fully alive people on the planet” for Jesus sake.61, 62
          Without “for Jesus sake,” I put my trust in myself (Proverbs 28:26).


@Fennec-Fox thank you, I understand what you are trying to explain. I totally agree that what Jesus did isn't stressed enough. Even I am interested in relearning the gospel and knowing him as more than an historical character. 


Am currently reading purpose driven Life by Rick Warren. Am excited to finish it, the beginning has been beautiful and I have a feeling it'll help me more than I can imagine. 
          I wanted to know if any of you will be interested in reading with me, the we can discuss where to talk on. Could be messanger, hangouts or discord. 
          Just send me a message and let me know. I am anticipating something big from this book, a life shaping experience. 


@Agapebeloved That's great! I should check out that book too