
Hi, I hope your having a good day/night! :)
          My name is Val, I'm the founder and admin of the @RoseAngelCommunity 
          The community is based on spreading positive vibes regarding mental health, the members are called Rose Angels and people are free to talk to them if they want advice on a personal situation or if they just need to talk/rant about anything going on in their life. We also have community books such as self-care and a book club.
          I'm looking for more admins to help run this community, their duties would include posting positive messages/quotes on the community's message board, helping people becoming members, managing community events etc.
          I was wondering if you would be interested in being an admin, if so please DM me and I'll ask you a couple of questions to see if you would be a good fit as an admin
          If your not interested, no worries you don't have to do it.
          - Sending love,


@justkeepbreathinon I will definitely check it out (currently balancing uni and work so we'll see how that goes), but sounds like a great community y'all are creating!