
Hello everyone, I would like to officially say that this account of mine will be on a hiatus, I don't know when I'll come back from my hiatus but you can follow my Facebook account (Ichika Hagihara, I'm the one with the black haired girl pfp) or you can add me on Discord (Nox Winslow #6053). That is all you need to know, good bye everyone and I'll see you after this long hiatus^^


Hello everyone, I would like to officially say that this account of mine will be on a hiatus, I don't know when I'll come back from my hiatus but you can follow my Facebook account (Ichika Hagihara, I'm the one with the black haired girl pfp) or you can add me on Discord (Nox Winslow #6053). That is all you need to know, good bye everyone and I'll see you after this long hiatus^^


God, Ramen sulking about the fact that he take too long to seen his messages in our gc when his nickname in our gc is just his irl name is fcking adorable -w-
          He says that we take longer to seen when its his name but if its our friend Elora’s name we seen quicker but the reason for me is bc I have our gc muted since I didn’t want to get disturbed when I’m asleep
          But god he’s so adorable when he just casually tries to make it look like he’s not sulking about it but its quite visible to me (〃ω〃)


Another thing that I have to say
          So earlier we were answering some questions on our A.P book and obviously I was just looking for the same answer (meaning I don’t read the entire lesson, i just looked for a word that’s similar to the question), and suddenly my friend, Ramen sent me a message (not on our private gc where there is only 4 of us there, he genuinely sent me a private message) saying “ penge answer heheh (can you give me answer heheh)” something similar to that translation I did
          And obviously  I scoffed at his message but without missing a beat I started typing out the answers I already had and sending it to him
          Idk If its bc I have this feeling of wanting to help my friends if I know the answer to something, or is it bc I’m slowly favoring him out of all of them
          Or is it something else? Does anyone else have an idea on what this could mean? Cause I’m fairly confused with myself


…So I’m currently  reading ‘Cherry Blossom After Winter’…in the morning also…I hate Kim Junseung to the core of the Earth
          THAT FCKING BASTARD!!!!!


So I forgot to update that, but I already finished reading 'Love is an illusion' like a while back already, and I'm now just reading some fanfics


Meaning, i have to be reading those on the Ipad or laptop instead- which is troublesome


I have already finished that, like a while ago and I’m currently reading ‘See you in my 19th life’ and ‘Love is an Illusion’, though since my phone was soo old (I had that one for, I assume 6-8 years now) It stopped working one morning, so now I have to wait till my birthday (my birthday is on June) to get another phone-


I ‘m now questioning my entire life existence..
          So today me and my friends we’re trying to figure out our math seatwork/homework and since I was trying to figure out the situations of it and since my friends always and I mean ALWAYS ask for my help when the subject is Math…I always have to help them answering (A.K.A giving them the answer) I was somewhat getting pressured and stuff..
          But here’s the friend Ramen (one of his usernames) chatted in our gc “ gib answers my dear mother” and the only thing that went to my mind is “he’s talking about you” since who else will he ask for answers like that? Especially if its about MATH!
          So now…I’m questioning if I’m close to having a crush again or is it just me getting easily flustered by it…can someone explain this..?




@JamaicaDane2 im doing good too just about to eat lunch a little late since my online class took longer


Good! How about you?


@JamaicaDane2 well how are u doing rn?