
Happy Pride Month y'all! In celebration of the season, I will do my best to make all my writing 20% more gay than it is by default. AQ, over and out!


Important announcement: I now have an Instagram account! I will primarily be using it for promoting my writings, so it will contain snippets of future projects before they are released! This includes a snippet of the first chapter in "Across the Years Part Two", which is already up! My handle is airquotes2962, if you're interested!


Okay, here's the deal. I know that I had a schedule, but I kept switching it around and could never decide what to do when. So instead I'm going to write down all my current planned projects and how long I expect each of them to take. Once I decide, I will announce my next project.
          Planned Projects:
          Heaven and Hell 2: The Hellbeast Project (4-5 months)
          Heaven and Hell 3: The Final Purification (4-5 months)
          The Stacked Deck (3-5 months)
          The Stacked Deck 2 (3-5 months)
          From the Most Unlikely of Places (3-4 months)
          The Last 5 years (2-3 months)
          The Crimes of the Archive (3-4 months)
          A few extra notes to keep in mind: "The Crimes of the Archive" is probably least-priority for me right now. I think I want to take a break before starting the next "Heaven and Hell," which leaves the option between "The Stacked Deck," "From the Most Unlikely of Places," and "The Last 5 Years." All of these have piqued my interest, but I do feel that "The Stacked Deck" will be a decently large project that requires a bit more planning before I jump in headfirst. So, I guess it's between "From the Most Unlikely of Places" and "The Last 5 Years." Both are fanfics for FNAF, leave your thoughts below.


Special announcement everyone! As of tonight I have officially finished Heaven and Hell 1: The Heir of Witchcraft. Despite my schedule, I'm still not sure what to work on after, but Heaven and Hell is in the beta reader/editing stage now. At the very latest, it will be out by the end of June. AQ, over and out.


Fair warning, in addition to changing my background picture next month - as I do every month - but because it is Pride Month, I will also be temporarily changing my profile picture for the month. The same will be done for October, when it comes. AQ, over and out.