
Hey all I finished school last Friday so I have lots of time on my hands so expect more updates  x


Heya all x
          Huge apologies for not updating in a couple of months but I will publishing a new chapter soon and depending on your preferences it will lead onto a smut chapter. 
          So do you guys want a smut chapter or shall I keep it clean? 
          Let me know x


Smuts fine by me but it’s also fine if not! Also it’s okay we aren’t going anywhere publish when you like :)


Why is it that love can go perfectly in books, fan fictions, movies, TV shows but in real life its nothing but a confusing painful mystery 
          Someone pls help me 


@Dany_whittaker I know the feeling! One day someone will come along and you’ll just know that it’s right! You’ll know when you feel ready for one! For now just look after and focus on yourself, that’s what I’m attempting to do 


@Shellwho yere it sums it but I try to just avoid getting in relationships to spare myself the confusion and possible pain


            I think this quote sums it up: 
            Love isn’t always perfect.
            It isn’t a fairytale or a storybook.
            And it doesn’t always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go. 
            It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define and impossible to live without. 
            Love is work, but most of all, love is realising that  every hour, every minute and every second was worth it because you did it together.  
            You’ll know when you’ve found your person ☺️


Need your opinion
          I'm wondering if I should start a peggy carter book (if anyone knows who that is )
          Because I'd like to add more books to my acc so there is more books for people to read but idk. Can someone give me some advice that would be greatly appreciated x


@Dany_whittaker, Great idea! Peggy Carter is awesome! She's one sassy lady and there's a  lot of things you could do with her character. I'd certainly read it! You can write anything if you set your mind to it 