
Dear reader, I apologize for intruding into your space, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could spare some time to peruse my friend's story, 'Solace.' I am confident that you will find it worthwhile and engaging. Thank you for considering my request.


If 18+ n Dark IndianLoveStory Lover??
          Check this out...
          ???A Cruel immoral fall in love with Moral.
          Tapish Adyanthaya-- was a world that didn't seek light in eyes; it turned light into a blindfold, calling it a game of until she entered his life. She was born into a world that made him, yet she stood far from its center.
          Sahej Luthra-- there was only one thing that set her apart from the people of her world, and that was her morals. Then one day, she encountered a person who would challenge her moral values.
          . . . . ╰──╮ꨄ︎╭──╯ . . . .
          Look at you, how you're breathing and trembling in need-craving my touch,"
          "Shut up, Tapish"
          "Then Shut me Up"


Sorry to disturb you, not sure if you are accepting reading requests. If you aren't, please free to delete this message. 
          • •
          It was all too easy until it wasn't. 
          A tale where you throw in a dash of secret contract, a teaspoon of forced marriage pact, heaps of humour and romance and that is how you get a couple who share no commonality, Royally Trapped.
          It's a heartwarming romantic comedy that feels like a cosy blanket on a chilly day. It's sweet & spicy. If you enjoy this genre, I would be grateful if you gave my book a chance.



hey there! hope life is treating you fine. I'm here to share my latest work with you and I hope you'll give it a whirl. as a new writer, your support could make all the difference. and ofc I'm ready to return the favour. thanks a bunch for checking this out.


hey thanks for reading talk of the town. hope you enjoyed it! stay magical xx


if you are interested in reading more short and cute romances with indian and indian-western characters, you might want to check out the sale series under my profile! have a lovely day x
