
ONORE!! PLAYSTATION!!!! I was suppose to have a gaming weekend after working. But the Ps Servers are down. DAMN YOU SONY!!!


    Happy New Years Everyone!!
    Hope you all have a better year, or at least some good moments.


      I need help.
      • Lutho77

        @Aki2o09 hi here. I saw your post about your parents divorce. I wanted to talk to you about it because I am someone who is on the other side of the spectrum. My parents divorced in 2022, when I was on my last year of matric. It hurt, a lot. It hurts I know. I wanted to find out if you would be interested in talking with me to find out how I have healed from it?


      this message may be offensive
      As you may heard, Akira Toriyama passed away at the age of 68 on March 1st. Due to acute Subdural Hematoma.
      Rest In Peace, you were a Fucking Legend to me.


        Finally, after the long ass wait. It’s finally out. S1 Chapter 6 Part 1 of Semon Slayer is out!!!


          YOSHAAAAAAA!!!!! Got the ability to write again!!! Got new ideas for new books too!!! Not only that, expect a new chapter of Demon Slayer at the end of December!


            Hey, Aren’t you supposed be a Lone Wolf of Kazama mate, I’m gettin’ bored with this bunch a lot busy now, Aniki


              The story of Demon Slayer will be Reworked.