
Hi guys,
          	It has been such a long time since I've been here but I just wanted to say that I'm okay. 
          	Life has been a little difficult for me recently. Last year my beloved grandfather was as well as an 89 year old man could be, he was able to do many things himself, roughly 8 months ago I rushed him to the hospital on the doctors advice as he thought he'd found a lump in my grandfathers side. 5 months ago he was diagnosed with a lethal cancer that would most likely take him out. 3 months ago we were told that the cancer cells were no longer spreading. 2 months ago he was in hospital again due to an infection. 1 month ago he deteriorated so much that he could no longer do the things he could do literally the day before. On the 21st of December my beloved grandfather passed away. 
          	I have spent the last two years constantly by his side, I may not have lived with him but I would take him shopping and get him out of the house, I would see him almost everyday near the end. I spent the entire day before he passed away at his side. 
          	He was the most loving, giving, accepting person I ever knew and now he's gone.
          	I'm not gonna lie it hurts, a lot. I miss him, even if I know he is no longer in pain. He passed away so peacefully with all his children and grandchildren there in the house. By the time he breathed his last his wife and all his children and older grandchildren were there by his side. 
          	I loved him so much and I know it'll get better eventually but right here right now, all I can feel is how empty that house feels now, with him gone and no longer there to converse with my grandmother. 
          	I love you guys loads and I hope I haven't made anyone feel bad, I just wanted to get a whole load off my chest which I know is selfish of me but sometimes it helps just to talk. 
          	With Love,


          	  You're so sweet hun. Some things are difficult to get over though
          	  I was my grandfather's favourite, I spent the most time with him and he saw me the most 
          	  It hurts 
          	  We had a really close relationship and he always accepted me for who I am and was he never judged or expected anything of me 
          	  Him being gone is hard, I can literally feel how empty this house feels now that he's gone
          	  It's just my gran and that's the saddest part, she no longer has him to converse and argue with 
          	  I'm sad but more for my grandmother than for myself 
          	  Love is a hard thing, coz once someone you love dearly leaves it leaves a hole in your heart, one that only recovers with time and care 
          	  I love you and thank you for your sweet heartfelt words, they mean a lot ^^


@Akiko-Haru my deepest condolences Sacchan. May your grandfather rest in peace. Please stay strong Sacchan❤ I hope you cheer up and stay the way you are! I'm sure he's watching over you and your family!


Hi guys,
          It has been such a long time since I've been here but I just wanted to say that I'm okay. 
          Life has been a little difficult for me recently. Last year my beloved grandfather was as well as an 89 year old man could be, he was able to do many things himself, roughly 8 months ago I rushed him to the hospital on the doctors advice as he thought he'd found a lump in my grandfathers side. 5 months ago he was diagnosed with a lethal cancer that would most likely take him out. 3 months ago we were told that the cancer cells were no longer spreading. 2 months ago he was in hospital again due to an infection. 1 month ago he deteriorated so much that he could no longer do the things he could do literally the day before. On the 21st of December my beloved grandfather passed away. 
          I have spent the last two years constantly by his side, I may not have lived with him but I would take him shopping and get him out of the house, I would see him almost everyday near the end. I spent the entire day before he passed away at his side. 
          He was the most loving, giving, accepting person I ever knew and now he's gone.
          I'm not gonna lie it hurts, a lot. I miss him, even if I know he is no longer in pain. He passed away so peacefully with all his children and grandchildren there in the house. By the time he breathed his last his wife and all his children and older grandchildren were there by his side. 
          I loved him so much and I know it'll get better eventually but right here right now, all I can feel is how empty that house feels now, with him gone and no longer there to converse with my grandmother. 
          I love you guys loads and I hope I haven't made anyone feel bad, I just wanted to get a whole load off my chest which I know is selfish of me but sometimes it helps just to talk. 
          With Love,


            You're so sweet hun. Some things are difficult to get over though
            I was my grandfather's favourite, I spent the most time with him and he saw me the most 
            It hurts 
            We had a really close relationship and he always accepted me for who I am and was he never judged or expected anything of me 
            Him being gone is hard, I can literally feel how empty this house feels now that he's gone
            It's just my gran and that's the saddest part, she no longer has him to converse and argue with 
            I'm sad but more for my grandmother than for myself 
            Love is a hard thing, coz once someone you love dearly leaves it leaves a hole in your heart, one that only recovers with time and care 
            I love you and thank you for your sweet heartfelt words, they mean a lot ^^


@Akiko-Haru my deepest condolences Sacchan. May your grandfather rest in peace. Please stay strong Sacchan❤ I hope you cheer up and stay the way you are! I'm sure he's watching over you and your family!


Okay so it's nearly been a year since I suddenly disappeared and deleted my stories, but I think an explanation is in order. 
          Firstly I just wasn't at the right place at the time, I'm not fully there yet either, some days are stressful and hard but other days go by without me even realising. A lot's happened in my life and I just lost the motivation to continue writing and along the way lost interest in a lot of things. 
          Nowadays I'm not so bad at that but honestly I do have studies on top of everything and a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders now, responsibilities that include my 89 year old grandfather and many other things, so this is me saying I won't be writing anymore and I won't be republishing my old stories and I'm sorry, really sorry but sometimes things in the real life take over and we have no control over that. 
          Love you guys loads and I'm so sorry guys


@Akiko-Haru YAY, and no problem xD


@HelenaVWG Of course we'll still stay friends, sorry I forgot to reply to the bit last time :/
            @InfaroyyahAlKarimah No worries, I've not been online as much so you couldn't have known. I think we all keep fighting when the going gets tough but thanks, it's really appreciated  ^^


@Akiko-Haru Sadia-chan... I'm sorry I wasn't able to chat you for ages. I'm very sorry. But overall, KEEP FIGHTING MY DEAR SISTAH! I'll always support you!! XD *virtual hugs*


Hi guys~
          Okay so... I haven't been on wattpad for like a month or so and I come back to find hundreds of notifs and most of them are people posting things on their own profile... Has there been changes to wattpad? Coz I'm a little confused as to what's going on... 
          Also just a little apology from me since it has been so long since I updated THS I will try to write the next chapter and post it soon but if I don't please don't hate me TT-TT its hard trying to motivate myself these days 
          Love you guys 


@ Akiko-Haru  welcome!!


@Akiko-Haru now if you wrote something here (message board) and tick the "notify my followers" you'll get it through notification rather than email


Hi guys, I need to apologise to you all for not being around in who knows how long, I also some time regarding Those Harmless Secrets 
          I have writers block and there have decided to work on my collab with Infa Chan Intertwined Fates until further notice so again I apologise and hope that the next chapter for THS writes itself soon 
          Thank you all for being patient with me 
          Lots of love~


Hi, I just want your opinions
          So I am absolutely awful at fighting scenes, I can't even imagine what a fight would look like! 
          So want to know, would you be upset if I skipped a whole.important fight just because I can't write one? Or would you prefer if I attempted to write one even if it turned out absolutely horrifyingly awful? 
          Please let me know


@KuroiOozora Hmmm, it looks really simple with the way you wrote it... hmmm
            Okay I'll try it! But don't kill me if it turns out really sh**y (please excuse my language) 
            Thank you Kuro, you're a life saver ^^


@Akiko-Haru I think you should just type down a short one before skipping all the details, like for example
            A immediately clashed swords with B, but because B had a larger physical strength, A was pushed backwards.
            Unable to handle the pressure put on him, A swung his sword away, leading B's sword swung to the same direction, effectively taking B off guard.
            Taking the chance presented, A dashed to B and kicked B right in the face. B immediately regained his balance from the kick, which he kicked A back on the stomach to create distances between them.
            The battle continued quite long as the two fighters were covered in long bloody gashes on their bodies due to their swords, scratches and bruises were also visible.
            "Haha. One final attack"
            "One final attack"
            And the two dashed forward...
            Dust flew everywhere, covering the two fighters as they fought as if they were dancing
            Then, the dust slowly dissipated.
            A standing staggeringly as blood oozing out furiously from his side, while B was laying on the ground motionless
            Etc etc etc
            ...Good luck! XD


Hi guys, I'm.really sorry for not updating in ages but reality has an odd way of taking over your life 
          So as an apology I will hopefully have the first 5 chapters of a new KHR fic out by the end of the week... so next Sunday maybe 
          Again I'm really sorry and I hope you're all doing well ^^
          Love Akiko-Haru


Hi all you lovely people out there~ 
          I have a question that has been bugging me for a while so I'm going to ask you all for your opinion please choose one of the options below
          1: should I post 3 chapters if Those Harmless Secrets in one go? 
          2: should I update the second part of Beyond Saving? 
          3: should I write 2 extras for Shadowed Light? 
          4: should I repost my fix Innocence Equals Doom and add a plot twist? 
          5: should I post a completely new fic that is not based on any anime at all it will be c ok molested original~ 
          I'll let you guys pic but let me know okay? 
          Thank you,
          Lots of love 


I give up 
            Life sucks OTL


I am soon annoyed stupid typos it is not supposed to read molested either 
            It will be an original 
            God annoying phone


Ugh stupid typo it's supposed to say fic Innocence Equals Doom 


@Akiko-Haru and here I am wondering how snow looks like while staring at the rainy clouds 


@InfaroyyaAlKarimah yeah but it's on the streets and the buildings lol


UwU you mean like how I stare insides of a freezer? 


@InfaroyyaAlKarimah snow?  Just imagine the streets covered in a blanket of white XD