
Hey guys! So I want to apologize for not posting anything, updating anything, and just being M.I.A for a while. So, I am going to discontinue these stories for right now. Until I can get motivation to get started on it again. Hope y'all are doing good! Take care!


Hey humans! 
          Been a while I know. I've been busy with IRL stuff. So haven't had time nor energy to add to the stories. 
          However, I think imma take a break on those. I have just not been motivated to even think about writing them. I have a project I am working on with my friends. They all made their own OCs for this. And I think it is coming together really well honestly. Hopefully I can share it with y'all. Laters people!
          Starry Nights


Hello lovely humans!! 
          Yes, it is I! Starry Nights! 
          Been awhile since y'all have heard from me. 
          So, I have recently watched The Hobbit AND The Lord of the Rings for the first time. Now I am watching them again cause Legolas is HOT AS FU-
          *Ehem* sorry about that loves. Anyway, as I was saying. I recently watched Hobbit and LOTR. And I have a quick "Would you Rather" for y'all. 
          Would you rather: 
          A) Be Thorin's little sibling and Fili and Kili are like your brothers. While on the quest to take back Erobor you fall in love with Legolas. 
          B) You are Bard's daughter and Bain's twin sibling. When your house gets attacked by Orcs you and your brother try to defend your home. Legolas and Taruiel come in and kill the Orcs but you get hurt. Legolas stays and saves you while Taruiel saves Kili. Then your love blossoms from there. 
          C) Be Taruiel's little sibling but strictly under the Kings command and secretly in love with Legolas but you know that he is in love with your sister so you say nothing about it. 
          Let me know below! Love you all! 
          I will try to have Chapter 9 of Where Pain Lies soon! But I can not make any promises. 
          Have a good day/evening/morning/night love you all! 
          - x Starry Nights x 


Hey. Me again! That one person that annoys you with bad writing, a terrible update schedule, crazy weird announcements, and throw the comments. 
          Ok, so I have a quick question. 
          I know, I ALWAYS have a "Quick Question" but just bare with me ok. 
          So, do you ever have a story where, you read it but don't type in the comment section at all. But yet you have a lot of comments to say. (Usually good comments, sometimes comments about how clodpole, (Merlin reference) one of the characters can be. And then for another story, you just comment for like every other 5 or less paragraphs? Exaggerated that a bit. But you get my point right? 
          Either I comment nonstop and I feel bad for blowing the person's phone up. Or I don't say nothing and chances are the person doesn't even know I am reading the story. 
          Yeah, I am a mess. 
          Hope y'all have a lovely day. 
          -Starry Night


Ok, I have another signing off name idea. 
          Starry Night because of the star in my eye and I like the way the stars sparkle in the night sky. 
          What do y'all think? 
          Name ideas for signing off so far: 
          1) Star or Little Star (explanation of why in the last post)
          2) Lavender Lillies (explanation of why in the last post) 
          3) Cheeky Geeky (explanation  of why in the last post) 
          4) Starry Night 
          Have a good day/night lovely humans!!!!


Ok. So I need y'all's help. 
          So, you guys know how when you read stories (and write for those of my friends that are writers) at the end of the chapter a lot of the times they are like: Have a good day -(whatever they are called on Wattpad) right? 
          Well, I mean, I was thinking that I should do that too. But I don't know what I should sign it. I have a few names that I can think of. But I am not sure which one to use. So can y'all give me your opinions on them please? 
          1) Star or Little Star, because my mum said that she wished for me on a my brothers star and when I was a baby, it looked like I had a star in my eye. 
          2) Lavender Lillies, because I love purple, lavender is a type of purple, and Lilly is a beautiful flower. Plus they sound good together
          3) Cheeky Geeky, Cause I can become a real geek with some things. And it just makes me smile all the time when I talk about something I love. 
          So, if y'all can help me come up with which one to use. That would be amazing. Just say 1, 2, or 3! 
          Also, my next chapter of "Where Pain Lies" is out. Go and check it out! 
          Thanks y'all, HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!


Someone please agree with me on this. 
          So you are reading a story on Wattpad, right? And they have the option for text-to-speech. So you listen to the story and read it at the same time cause you want to listen to something, but wanna read at the same time. Then an ad comes up in the middle of you listening and reading. ರ╭╮ರ WHY?????? Like, I am fine with it doing it at the END of the chapter. But most certainly NOT the middle of the chapter. That annoys the living klunk out of me y'all. 
          Also, don't you hate it when you are reading a chapter. You really like the chapter. The number of votes is already even and you have to make it an odd number? I hate that. It makes me mad for some reason? ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ I don't understand myself sometimes. 
          Hope y'all have a wonderful day/night/whatever. The first chapter of my Thomas Brodie-Sangster FanFic should maybe be out tomorrow or the day after. Also, for that instead of doing (Y/N), I picked the name. It just made it easier to write. If y'all don't like that then I can change it to (Y/N), I won't really mind it. But yeah, the name I picked is Lexi. Anyway, talk to you all soon! Love everyone of you guys! 
          Oh! I almost forgot! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH TO ALL OF MY LGBTQ+ BESTIES!!!!! (everyone of you guys are my besties one way or another. Deal with it (・∀・) love all of you!!!) BYE EVERYONE FOR NOW!!!! 


@Dinkshelby I know right!!! It makes me mad that it does that!!! At least someone gets it. Lol(◡ ω ◡)


            yes. I especially agree with the votes scenario.
            And the text to speech thing as well. The last story I was reading did that too. It’s so annoying.