@Alanna Okay I know we don't really interact as much, but if I can answer, it would be because those people don't have compassion for themselves, and hear me out. From my perspective, I have a hard time with being kind to myself and I sometimes push myself or get insecure with where I am. With that, I'm working on it and trying to also see myself for who I really am, past my flaws which at times can be difficult. With people who are unable to 'see past flaws' they lack application of that empathy that allows them to have compassion for themselves and others. They probably are their own worst critic and most likely, will be insecure and at worse envious of people who do better in life in comparison to them. When they point out your flaws, they hope to break you and make you feel less comfortable shining in your own light, so if you need to respond back to that, one you can treat them like their a narcissist- keep it short and don't invite them to see your emotions- or two, compliment them on something and they ask a backhanded question that will make their world turn upside down for them. Because as much as people like these are heavily critically of everyone and everything, sometimes they need a reminder to center what really matters- reframe the conversation to that and see how it goes! Let me know if you have anymore questions or if you need me to explain anything else more! Toodles!