I'm not the greatest at these things. I've been told that I give excellent advice although I'm not sure about it. I love to write I just have trouble coming up with ideas and continuing them. I don't mind singing for people,(21Pilots, Panic at The Disco!,5SOS!!!!).
Anyways, I do have a Pinterest account, for anyone who has it wants to follow me,(alayna futch), and a Quiz Up account too, I think it's (alayna futch too!).

But just remember this
amp; quote;Darkness can always be found in the darkest of times, only if one remembers to turn on the light.- Albus Dumbledor( hi HP fans , my fellow Shadow Hunters, PJO fan, and everyone else out there !) I hope you remember that this is a place to express yourself and let the writer in you show, even if you think that you suck at it.

And when I do write something don't be afraid to say what you want to say about my writing.
Thanks, Love You All!
  • RegistriertMay 16, 2016

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