
When will the book finish?


@Aleksalta I hope so you do. Because I am waiting and ur work is so amazing. Well I hope everything gets better. But always remember that I am and will be always waiting. 


If I ever find the time, I’ll write more. I promise 


Honestly, I’m not sure. It could be months, years, or never. I’m so so busy. I fell like 3 years behind on school work and need to work so I can help my mom pay bills whenever she needs help. I’m in 11th grade. So I’m not sure, I’m sorry. I just don’t have any time to write anymore 


@nawyouseeme13 “hey lil Shawdy, I saw you and I think your kinda cute. Can I get your Facebook?” Lol. I should get a Facebook simply to give it to you since you asked. But anyway I don’t have that but I will be starting a YouTube channel called Wildtoe if you wanted to go see that also a twitch. 


Here from YouTube  
          Best Of Luck ✨


HELLO! It is up now lol. Also Ik you messaged me on the 11th and I tried to find your conversation very hard lol. Turns out conversations and messages are different? Idk lol. So sorry for not replying, but also I’m not that sorry because I tried . It wasn’t until someone else sent me a conversation that I found conversations lol. And thank you sm 