
Chapter 36 of The Spirit Walker is live!


When are we expecting a new chapter of The Spirit Walker? It's been quite a bit 


@AleksandraEvans, no problem, I hope all goes well!


Hey! Soon. I’m sorry- I’ve been in a whole custody thing with my ex over my baby and it’s kind of taken up all my time/focus. But we’re close to settling that (like within the week), so I can focus on regular updates as soon as the dust settles


I'm no one to talk, because I've been procrastinating writing for forever. But also, sometimes, having a reader pop in to say "when is the next update!!" Is actually the motivation we need. Not sure if that's the case here or if you're just busy, but either way.. 
          What's happening with The Spirit Walker? It's been a while since last update. Hope all is well :) 


Ahh! I know, I’m so sorry. I have 3/4 of the next chapter written, a good portion of the book outlined, and SO MANY random scenes written and saved. I’ve just gotten crazy busy and barely have a moment to myself to think, much less write. I’ll try to get the rest of the next chapter finished ASAP. Thanks for checking in!


Please accept my apology to share my story prior without your permission , please do check it out and give your feedback on it ✨
          ex lovers meet at their cousins engagement party and their parents decide to get them married, they think the other person cheated what will happen next in their tangled life ?
          You cannot MAKE someone love you. It is better to let them go than try to hang-on. No matter how much you think you are perfect for him/her-if s/he isn't interested they aren't perfect for you.. accept it and move on ,but can life  be this easy ?