Hi Alex,
          You may not read this but I wanted to let you know, as I still come back here  once in a while to check in.
          I hope you are doing well, I hope you are still writing and enjoying what life brings you. I want to acknowledge how your stories will forever be in our memories and I hope we can see them again one day and know that you have people here that support you. 
          As a fan of yours since 2010 I had the privilege of reading SIM and it has been my favorite story since the age of 14. I am now 26 and I still think about the day I may read it again. It shows how much a story impacts and remains with you especially when it is written and created by such a talented author. It is a story that will never be forgotten.
          Lots of Love and all the best


It’s been a few years since Silver was taken down. I think about your story often and wish I could reread it. Will you be putting it back up on Wattpad or publishing it? I know you said you had some editing you wanted to do with it. But I was hoping maybe you had any news on what you have decided to do with it. It is one of the best written stories I have read and wish that I had a hard copy of your story to read over and over again. I hope you haven’t given up on it! It honestly deserves to be published. 


            Hi there, and thank you so so so much for the awesome compliments! 
            Unfortunately, I don't think Silver will be reposted on Wattpad again. I've just recently started looking for a literary agent, but for a different novel. Silver is a heart project of mine, so should I be lucky enough sign with an agency, I'll definitely push for publishing in the future. But as you probably already know, the industry is ROUGH, so finding an agent = a HUGE maybe. If that dream doesn't come true, I might consider self-publishing Silver, and if so, I'll definitely post the news here on Wattpad.
            So, no straight answers there, sorry, but thank you so much for showing interest! It means a lot to a struggling wannabe author!


Hey there just wanted to let you know that silver is one of the best vampire books I’ve read (and I’ve read many) I loved how you didn’t shy away from writing some of the heartbreaking things people go through during a war (although the war was a special case) really hope to see it back up on Wattpad again (or even published!)


Hi! Just wondering why you took Silver down? I’ve been away for a while and wanted to catch up but I’m sad to see that it’s gone. I really loved this story. I can’t even read the authors note :(


Was just about to ask this same thing. I’ll be eagerly awaiting to reread it when it returns. 


Hi there! I’m so sorry you didn’t get to finish the story Unfortunately I took Silver down because I felt there was a lot of revising to be done.


I was listening to Dance in the dark and came by to see if Silver had an update. I hope you publish this book someday because it's fantastic. Your writing is fantastic. ❤


Thank you so so much!❤️ That’s one of the songs I had on repeat while writing  this story, so it’s
            amazing when other people connect it to Silver as well!


Hi and thank you for the interest! Unfortunately Silver will not be republished on any website in the near future. But if I change my mind, I’ll be sure to post an update!☺️


What happened to Silver? There’s only chapter 13 now.  I went to reread it and it’s gone. 


@missmato Not a the moment no, but you never know what the future brings 


Oh no!!!  how did I miss that! Will you be publishing Silver? 


@missmato Hi there! In an author's note (published about a month ago), I announced that I would be taking Silver down. Really sorry!


Not going to lie, you have made me the happiest person on earth. My inner 15 year old self is extremely happy. I have waited so many years for this story to be posted again. I still remember how upset I was when I logged on to fan fiction one day and everything was gone! I’m sooo excited for how you’re going to go about the story (new ending fingers crossed...)  :$ just wanted to let you know that your story got me through a lot when I was younger so thank you :) 


I probably read Silver in the Moonlight over 20 times. And through the years I went back to check if maybe, just maybe it was posted back on... and since medschool has been kicking my butt I figured I’d check and I was very happy! I’m really glad that you decided to rewrite some parts as I always had a hard time with the ending! So much for the imagination! 


Thank you so SO much for this lovely PM! Messages like these are always so mind-boggling, and warm an amateur writer's heart. I won't spoil anything about the ending, but the fact that there are more stories to be told in this series might soften the blow just a little 