
Hello. I know I've been in-acive for a long time, and no, im not dead. I've been really buissy with school and going away. Sorry bout that :D


Witam wszystkich. Kto chciałby się mną zająć. Jestem uległą, gołą szmatą, która szuka prawdziwej dominacji. Uwielbiam być całkowicie nago przy wielu osobach jak tania dziwka, np. na imprezie. Zdarzało mi sie już wystąpić nago na scenie przed setką osób. Uwielbiam szmacenie, wyzwiska i upokarzanie. Jeśli ktoś szuka uległej i posłusznej szmaty na imprezę albo do usługiwania to dobrze trafił.


Hello. I know I've been in-acive for a long time, and no, im not dead. I've been really buissy with school and going away. Sorry bout that :D


Hey! I was just looking, and noticed how much we actually have in common! your name is Wings of Fire, it seems you like fnaf, and of course there is Alastor the radio Demon


            (Sorry this is so late a reply. I was really buissy) I love how much I can have in common with someone one here!
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does anyone have any ideas for a short story thingy? because my draft/plan is due tomoz and i dont know what to write about


@AlexTheIcewing when im finished the story, ill upload it for you guys to read. heh, the only books that i upload are english assessments
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ok. ive already got an idea for the story, but ill try to do more of the into the forrest later. also thanks :D glad you injoyed it
            @YourCasualCat no, my final attempt is due on march 26th, but my plans due tomorow
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@AlexTheIcewing I loved the into the forest one I think you should continue it or maybe revamp it
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          You have been bombed with love
          go spread some love.
          Wattpad is sad
          so lets make a difference
          send this to your best freinds 
          if you dont send it back to me i guess you dont consider me your freind
          Started by @Bellanawa


tin nhắn này có thể mang tính công kích
Nahh- your reading lists remind me of mine, the only difference is I don't sort my shit but back when I was using my old profile it was all sorted now I have no sense of cleanliness, but that's partially because I want to hide all of the other traumatizing things that people DO NOT need to see.. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)


            pfft. at least you relized that that eairly. i only relized it a bout a week ago and have been doing it for months :(
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@AlexTheIcewing damn, I realized that a week after I joined Wattpad and stopped saving my books on my 'private' library and just started redoing it all over again, so that's also mainly why I have a shit tone of stuff in random places (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠)
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            :D yeah, i would do that, but i kinda like to know where some things are as i save a LOT of books. i saved my books i didnt want people to read to my 'private' libary thing, only to relize that its 1 not private because 2 it doesnt excist/isnt a folder :( now ive lost a ton of books because i saved them in the wrong place... :(
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hey, i was wondering if you ship anyone in wings of fire, and if so, what your favorites were. (just wondering, fellow wof fan!) :)


@ListeniSuck agreed! im infuriated that is not cannon :(
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@AlexTheIcewing Ty so much! i also ship Qinter, there just so cute together!
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