
I updated my poem book. Please give it a look!  
          	I'm so surprised that so many have read them, they're from a rough time that I'm trying to air out. Thank y'all.


I updated my poem book. Please give it a look!  
          I'm so surprised that so many have read them, they're from a rough time that I'm trying to air out. Thank y'all.


'Dark Shadows' has been updated! After some shifting and changing of plot. I'm having a lot of fun re-planning this tale after almost 6 years of it being lost to me. I hope people are enjoying it! Let me know, I need the validation! hahaha!


this message may be offensive
My computer is a rheumatic old man with rickets, sticking his cane out when a youth walks by because "they don't deserve it, youth is wasted on the young!" and I am sick of his geriatric-aggressive bullshit behavior.
          I'm trying to write these chapters, it's just going a little slower than anticipated.


Hey all, it's been a trying week. We do what we can, so I've been spreading awareness and trying to do what I love, even when I don't have much positive feeling or creativity flowing at the moment. 
          I updated Dark Shadows with a second short chapter, and I'm working on Spark with all my might. 
          Leave a comment and a star, tell a friend about it!
          Also, let's love on each other. I could use a hug. See you!


Well. That's the full part one. I always appreciate feedback, so have at me. I'm still working out part two. I think I'll forego just typing and posting throughout the day, it would be too confusing. 
          I hope you guys enjoy it! I'm gonna nap now.


I'm BACK! Like nostalgia and your past! I'm working on Dark Shadows, it'll be a little different because the funniest (read, worst) thing happened, and I had to take a break from writing altogether. Then I wrote some poems and got published, which I'm still losing all my mf sh** over.
          What's coming?: 
          The rest of the first chapter, the first bit of chapter two (maybe chapter three? I haven't decided, getting back in the swing of things means writing what comes out--and honey what comes out, isn't always good--and that is a lot of what is happening vis a vis this story because of that (not so) funny thing) I want to keep the same energy of quality that I was going for the first time around.
          A Vikings fanfic! I recently binged seasons 1-4 on Amazon Video and I'm obsessed? What? The heart wants what it wants I guess, and it wants Bjorn Ironside in Raider Mode rescuing a Frisian/Saxon girl from other raiders.
          I'm writing an original novel about supernatural stuff and the evils of man. People are strange and weird, and I honestly wasn't anticipating the world to get so messed up when I started writing it.
          Thanks to you guys for sticking around so long and for thinking my little story is the bee's knees, you're all gold I hope you know that.


You are back! 
          Does that mean you will update Dark Shadows? 


@Xxdarkrose18 thank you so much for sticking around! I can't wait to share!


@Xxdarkrose18 I can't wait to read them 


@Xxdarkrose18 yes indeedy! It's a funny story (not really) but I'm working on it and a Vikings fanfic AND an original story.