
I'm gonna write this here bc I guess you deleted the comment I didn't know you wouldn't understand my humor bc everyone else does I apologize for that and yeah I told you to get over it bc it shouldn't be taken to heart if you like him you like him if you dont you don't I'm literally a person on the internet you shouldn't take my words or anyone else's words seeiously.


@beep_bee you too and sorry for starting all this it was really dumb


@beep_bee ohhhh so like I said in our other comments you honestly just wanted to start with someone??? Why not just say that??  I also don’t take anything dealing with jack Harlow literal either I honestly just find him attractive and was just the “is there a problem “ comment you made that made me feel like you were trying to start  something. And I left you alone when I decided to just delete the comment thread and like the last time you took it upon yourself to now not even reply to a comment I made but actually come on my page and leave me a message LMAOOOO and thank you actually being sincere, I accept your apology bye have a good night.


@beep_bee I dont take anything bts antis literal and I honestly dont know who jack harlow is and I dont care I commented on your post because I was bored I honestly didn't care and that apology was sincere but you didn't take it as such not my fault now please leave me alone I dont wanna argue with you anymore have a good night and I really am sorry