
Just wanted to say thank you to @HobbitLover1234 for your votes on my story Reigns! I’m glad you enjoy the story!!!


A bunch of love goes put to @angelofmusic36 for voting and commenting on my story Sia. Thank you so much my phone was going cray cray all morning.  AlexDaily 


@Alexdaily @angelofmusic36 thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it.


No problem! It was good 


So I finally finished a new fanific and it's a Roman Reigns fanific because I absolutely love him along with Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins  (Don't care if the shield isn't together anymore I still love them.) Anyway it's called Reigns so if any of you are into wrestling you should go check it out. I've been working on alot of stories lately and I just lose the ideas I have to the stories. Anyway check it out and let me know in the comments. Much love....
          ~Alex Daily 
          (Fun Fact//: Alex Daily isn't my real name. Secret Identity ✌


Okay so I published my new story call Sia which is a Dean Ambrose fanfic, but two chapters got switch so when you make it to the chapter called Raw and Research Papers skip it and read the chapter Visitors then go back and read it. Thanks.