I'm Alice. I'm (very recently) a doctor by day, and a (very tired and overworked) writer by night. I love telling stories, both with art and with words. I've been drawing for longer than I have been writing, but both have a special place in my heart.

For the next couple of years or so, my life is going to be extremely chaotic and exhausting, so I will be writing little and might be unresponsive from time to time. Please leave a message. I'll get back to you shortly.

When I have time, I write, read and play the occasional video game (currently The Witcher 3). My favourite genres are Fantasy, Romance and Historical Fiction, though I can also appreciate a good Science Fiction.

All feedback is greatly appreciated; the more honest, the better.

- Alice.

*Also find me on:*
Website: http://www.alicepiercedesign.weebly.com
Tumblr: http://www.alicepierce.tumblr.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/AliceLPierce
Instagram: http://instagram.com/AliceLPierce
Email: alice.l.pierce (at) gmail.com
  • Belgium
  • انضمMay 2, 2011

الرسالة الأخيرة
Alice_Iceflower Alice_Iceflower Dec 01, 2019 08:36PM
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