Hey there, Kawaiiotaku96 to Alienotaku96 here! Welcome to my account, since you're here, why don't you get to know me?
he/she/they/it all pronouns are fine to me!
I'm a pretty weird chick with a pretty weird personality, my music taste is all over the place, and I can't really say what my fashion choice is.
I come and go from fandoms, doesn't mean I dislike what the fandom was about.
I'd like to think of myself as someone friendly to talk to.
I make a lot of characters and stories, maybe not on here, but trust me, I got a lot!
So why don't you decide to follow me and get to know me even more?
  • Night Raven College
  • JoinedDecember 30, 2016

Last Message
Alienotaku96 Alienotaku96 Nov 13, 2020 04:36PM
Damn have I been dead and disappeared for who knows how long.Well I can't say I am officially back, but I still do enjoy writing, making stories, characters, and such.I might make a story on here b...
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