
I'm in a DnD compain and this is about how it's going 
          	DM: writes 14 hours of story mostly revolving around a quest we are given by one specific NPC
          	Party: *meats said NPC*
          	Party (mostly me): hmmm she seems suspicious *kills her*
          	DM: *internally screeming*


I'm in a DnD compain and this is about how it's going 
          DM: writes 14 hours of story mostly revolving around a quest we are given by one specific NPC
          Party: *meats said NPC*
          Party (mostly me): hmmm she seems suspicious *kills her*
          DM: *internally screeming*


I'm at the airport and security checked my passport and saw me when I was like 9 and the F on my passport the woman there looked at me and said "have a good day SIR" AHHHHH *gender euphoria*


@AlixLovesFroggies That makes me happy :) BUT EVERY ONE STILL CALLS ME GIRL AND I HATE IT! also for someone reason the airport thinks I'm like 18 or something 


I did it but I'm still here why am I still here I've got strawberry cool ade leaking out my neck and yet I'm still here........this isn't fair 


@I-eat-children-69 I've gotten close with cutting my legs I couldn't even walk for an hour 


            Therapisses suck. Moms are normally useless. I know it seems impossible but there may be a chance you grow out of it. I’m sure you’ve heard this before and it sounds stupid and inimaginable, but I used to be the exact same way and now I’m happy. That might take years, though: in the meantime, I wouldn’t recommend harming your neck, and you’ll never be physically able to Jill yourself with a knife or razor. Survival instincts stop you and shut down your movements


@I-eat-children-69 oh they notice I've even shown them to my therapist, my mom has mentioned it but my therapist can't grasp the fact that I'm begging for help and my mom is in denial everyone else doesn't seem to care 


Y'all ever just realize you're trapped in a giant flesh sack and you want out?


@AlixLovesFroggies well we command the bones to make the flesh bag do what we want 


            Well, the bones control the flesh bag..


@TalL_RAdi0_cR3atUr3 I guess that's true, would you be in bones tho? Or would they just also be in the flesh sack?


Bit of a rant:
          Ugh I'm tired of being dead named, at school it's either the person is transphobic, "cAn'T rEmEmBeR", or just reading my dead name off the attendance sheet by accident, (happens way more than you'd think considering"Alex" is also on there) and then at home my mom can't get over my dead name and will even get emotional when I call it that.