
I have an apartment! Forgot to update you guys, but this past year has been unbelievable. I met a guy (my boyfriend) and now I have an apartment! I'm hoping to re-read my current works at some point to figure out what's going on and see if I can continue them. I've lost a lot of the documents that held my plots, characters, and major points in the stories, so I'm not sure where they're going anymore. I'm excited to see what comes out of it and what you guys will think! There's really one person in particular who's given me the motivation to continue wanting to write despite us not talking too much anymore. Stay tuned, and stay hydrated!


I have an apartment! Forgot to update you guys, but this past year has been unbelievable. I met a guy (my boyfriend) and now I have an apartment! I'm hoping to re-read my current works at some point to figure out what's going on and see if I can continue them. I've lost a lot of the documents that held my plots, characters, and major points in the stories, so I'm not sure where they're going anymore. I'm excited to see what comes out of it and what you guys will think! There's really one person in particular who's given me the motivation to continue wanting to write despite us not talking too much anymore. Stay tuned, and stay hydrated!


So don't hate me, but I'm going on a slight hiatus and will be trying to complete my books in the meantime. My life has gotten busy once again with work and school coming up. Please don't be mad at me- If you wish to unfollow me, my feelings will not be hurt, I only ask that you come back to check on the book when I publish the completed work!


R u alright? U haven't updated in a hot minute. 
          Hope ur okay :)


@AllHailTheNut u don't need to apologize i was just wondering :)


@vegetable_oil Life is getting in the way but I'm definitely working on it and trying to find the motivation to write despite my mental state lol- I'm literally so sorry-


this message may be offensive
Guess who has 3rd-degree burns and a job working in the heat.... Just- Take a fucking random guess.....


@vegetable_oil LMAO- who tf even is that-?


@AllHailTheNut ........marvin the seashell? 


I hope you guys know that even after I'm finished with 'Lost In Your Footsteps' I'm going to go back and edit the whole thing because I feel like it lacks a significant amount of emotion and other details I might add later on....


@AllHailTheNut its your story, so if you feel the need to, do it ♡


I know someone who only reads Harry Styles X Louis Tomlinson one-shots is not calling me out for insulting them..... I am literally getting second-hand embarrassment from them right now.....


@vegetable_oil ... How do I respond to someone being insulted for calling Americans embarrassing......? I AM LITERALLY AMERICAN LMAO-


            I... how do i respond to that--


Guess who just decided to upload another book. Me bitch. Me. I'm going to regret it but I needed something to have more fun with so there's that. Please do yourselves a huge favor and check out my book 'What Would You Do' !!!!!!! THE FIRST CHAPTER IS UP!